Polysingularity Framework @ LIP6 Lab, Paris VI | 06/2013

In June 2013, I was invited to present my work at the LIP6 laboratory of computer science at Paris VI university.

I took this opportunity to present the Polysingularity framework that I’ve been developing for 2 years prior to that, which encompasses the ideas from network sciences and complex systems theory to propose a kind of heuristics that allows for several truths to co-exist at every point of time.

During the presentation, I demonstrated how this framework, which was developed as an artistic and philosophical project first, was then implemented into many real-world projects. From text analysis software Textexture, to body practices that we used in performative settings.

It was especially interesting to present this work in a scientific context, to the people who work in academia, as it was not the kind of content that was usually presented at Lip6 lab events. However, I was pleasantly surprised with the openness of the audience and our shared curiosity to explore how complex scientific concepts that find their way into everyday life and into what we call “common sense” of the world.