OS X/Y is an electronic sound research duo of Kirikoo Des (NSDOS) + Dmitry Paranyushkin (Aerodynamika) operating in stealth mode. In their work, they explore the connections between the code, the sound, the body, the virtual, and the physical matter.

Our main interest is to use the whole body as an instrument and to bring organic composition methods into music-making. Our approach includes transposing the dynamic organic and fractal patterns into music, as well as using motion-tracking sensors to transfer data from movement, which is then converted to sound and visuals.


September 15, 2016



Performed At

Palais de Tokyo (Paris), La Station (Paris), 3AM (Berlin), Polytech Festival (Moscow), V-A-C (Venice), Hope Hacker Festival (USA), CCC - Chaos Computer Club (Leipzig)


In Progress, Media, Medium, Performance, Sound, Type, Urgency, Visual