

EightOS / ∞OS is an open-source operating system for the bodymind. Its objective is to explore how the dynamics and behavior of natural systems can be modulated in physical, cognitive, and social realms. EightOS is concerned with the aesthetic, intuitive, and scientific understanding of this exploration. The key interest in EightOS practice is the notion of confluence — be it to another person, to a group, to space, or the environment — in order to create the conditions for adaptability, resilience, and evolutionary development to emerge. While EightOS finds its expression as a physical, artistic, and cognitive practice it is strongly linked to technology. The "operating system" metaphor highlights the approach where the body is seen as the hardware and the habits, cultural patterns, behaviors, and beliefs are seen as the software. EightOS offers the tools and methodologies that can be used to reprogram this software, making references to disciplines ranging from...

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InfraNodus is a tool, framework, and methodology for generating ideas and insight with network thinking and AI. It also promotes cognitive variability, which helps make perception and thinking more adaptive and resilient. InfraNodus uses a combination of text network analysis, data visualization, natural language processing, and AI to extract the most important elements of any discourse and to encourage a user to change their perspective and connect their ideas in a new way. Starting as an artistic research project by Dmitry Paranyushkin in 2012, InfraNodus evolved into a subscription-based online tool that is used by thousands of people and companies worldwide in applications ranging from competitive intelligence and discourse studies to ideation and writing. Its unique interface is comprised of a visual rhizomatic representation of the main concepts, topical clusters, and relations between them, which would probably make Deleuze, Derrida, and Foucault very happy. This interactive graph can be used to explore any discourse...

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Circadian Press is a publishing house founded by Dmitry Paranyushkin and Diego Agullo in 2017. In 2019, Noam Assayag also joined our team. We focus on books that bring the word into action. Works that present both the practice and concrete ways of inscribing it into the real. Some books can take shape of a manual, and some may be more poetic, but in every book, readers should find concrete ways to try out a version of reality they propose by themselves. Most of the Circadian books are written by people who have a very specific practice and who are interested to share it with the world. When we select the authors to publish, we do not look for self-help books or manuals on how to improve ourselves. Rather, we're interested in the books that our readers can use to explore themselves and to make their lives more interesting or even more...

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